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===Unification and reformation===
Over the following years, Jozunia would see itself stretching from Twoqurauzin in the East to [[Cabiqoltun]] in the West, and would largely assimilate all other North Yasgan groups under Jozunian culture. By 2007 CY, Jozunia had conquered the last few North Yasgan groups of the Huleins and the Irnohs, cementing Jozunian dominance in the area. Jozunia would also begin to grow rich from its control in the Triangle Sea Trade. By 2011 CY, the trading capital of Cabiqoltun in the East would overtake the traditional capital of Twoqurauzin in importance, as the kingdom of Jozunia would enter an era of prosperity. Though it had carved a large sphere of influence for itself, Jozunia remained internally unstable and inconsistent. Under King [[Wizohos Binwinos]] in 2063 CY, Jozunia would establish a unified system of governance, dividing the kingdom into various incorporated provinces and unincorporated territories. In addition, a council of various important landowning nobles would be established to provide information and feedback to the king on law and governance. In 2102, Jozunia would once again become embroiled in a war with the [[Partayid dynasty|Erayi]], mostly concerning the lands of Jashaku. The [[Second Homeland War]] would last only 7 years, ending with Eran conceding control of the lands of the Jashaku to be tributaries of Jozunia. The inconclusive ending of the war with no territorial gain would irritate the nobility of Jozunia, and the army would be disappointed with a lack of new land to give to soldiers. Though king [[Kenohos Hegos]] was able to keep them placated, after his death in 2141 CY and the election of [[Spipohos Cauros]], the [[Decades of Chaos]] would begin. The Decades of Chaos would see the tumultuous rule of 5 different kings within 23 years. It would end with the election of [[Dajohos Wauhos]] in 2164 CY. Wauhos would decentralize the Jozunian state significantly to please the nobility, with a significant reform being passed in 2189 CY. It would divide Jozunia among various Princes, who would be responsible for each area of the kingdom. This served to temporarily placate the nobility, but would eventually lead to the squabbling of the Princes and the downfall of the king, by 2213 CY, a lack of common agreement over who would succeed X would cause the princes to all split off from each other, leading to the end of the Kingdom of Jozunia.
==Era of princedoms==

Revision as of 17:32, 31 July 2023

The history of Jozunia is well known and recorded since the 15th century CY. Jozunia has been inhabited primarily by the North Yasgans for millennia, these various North Yasgan groups colonized the area following the Yasgan migrations of the 7th century CY. In antiquity, Jozunia was under the hegemony of the Kingdom of Jozunia for nearly 6 centuries.


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Iron age

Yasgan migrations

The Yasgan migrations began circa the 7th century CY, displacing many of the native inhabitants of North Yazland such as the Rausin and the Kurčwi. The migration would reach the southern shores of Ashnan around the 9th century CY, with the first North Yasgan people’s crossing the X channel into Jozunia. Migrations were mostly centered in coastal regions, and would slowly grow inland from there. Eventually all North Yasgan groups inhabiting Yazland would be forced out or assimilated by the Doccábhans.

North Yasgan peoples

The original North Yasgan peoples were a highly diverse group that primarily inhabited the southern shores of Jozunia. Major North Yasgan groups include the Xs, the Jozunians, the Kurpuns, the Ribunelts, the Twosuns, the Haneins, and the X. Following the Yasgan migrations, these groups would form various city-states and city-state confederations that would dominate the southern coast. Confederations were usually united by a common ethnicity, but did not form a larger or more comprehensive central government. Confederations would typically form a government similar to the Rausin Casunair systems.

League of Twoqurauzin

The League of Twoqurauzin was a confederation of various cities in Western Jozunia believed to have arisen circa 1500 CY. The exact founding is unknown, and never mentioned in existing texts or histories. The league existed primarily as a mutual defensive pact between various cities, who would elect a leader every year to organize cooperative military and construction efforts between cities. This system would continue until an invasion of the league by various Kurpun groups in 1605 CY. During this time the current leader of the league, Sailkohos Kaulos would gain unprecedented power in order to protect the league. Following his victories, he would be heralded as a hero, and obtained near absolute power.

Jozunian rule

Jozunian expansion

The Kingdom of Jozunia was formed in the year 1638 CY following a reform to the League of Twoqurauzin, Sailkohos Kaulos would reform the league into an elective monarchy, where the landed nobility would vote for who would lead the kingdom. This new oligarchy of sorts would elect a monarch from among themselves to serve for life, responsible for most functions of the kingdom. Sailkohos Kaulos would be unanimously voted as the first King of Jozunia, following his defense of Twoqurauzin from the Kurpuns. Kaulos would continue to rule until 1646, dying at age 87. Following the death of Kaulos, Dajohos Aqelos would be elected as the second King of Jozunia. Aqelos would begin an era of eastward expansion, conquering the Kurpuns in a war and securing the southern coast in a war against the Ribunelts. Jozunia would see large military reforms, changing from a purely voluntary army to a combined volunteer-conscript army. Aqelos would also see the Twosuns made into tributary states of the Kingdom of Jozunia. Aqelos would also institute a policy of resettlement for the poor. Any man who served in the army was guaranteed a plot of land conquered in the war. This promoted mass settlement and assimilation of conquered lands, further securing the position of Jozunia. Aqelos would die in 1672, setting the stage for future massive Jozunian expansion. Under the King Caurcohos Taujuros, the Rawisuns would be conquered in 1708 CY, leaving Jozunia stretching from the east coast to the west coast of the peninsula. King Kakrohos Tequgunos would subjugate the Ardashuns in 1779 CY, bringing the trade city of Cabiqoltun under Jozunian control. The rapid expansion of Jozunia would attract the attention of the growing Eran Empire, who’s nobility were concerned about the growth of a new power so close the the Angkat homeland. Eran would invade the Kingdom of Jozunia in 1860 CY, leading to the First Homeland War. The brutal 16 year war would cause heavy casualties for both sides, and the death of Jozunian king Rauzohos Hegos, but would ultimately end in victory for Jozunia. The long reign of Spipohos Dajos would see Jozunia secure its border against neighboring groups. First defeating the Irnohs in 1890, then seeing the conquest of the Huleins in 1919 CY. King Derekohos Waltos would defeat the Jashakus in a war in 1978, though the Jashakus would not be fully subjugated. The last major conquest on Jozunia would take place in 2007 CY, after Aqelohos Hespos defeated the Hulweichurs in a decisive war.

Unification and reformation

Over the following years, Jozunia would see itself stretching from Twoqurauzin in the East to Cabiqoltun in the West, and would largely assimilate all other North Yasgan groups under Jozunian culture. By 2007 CY, Jozunia had conquered the last few North Yasgan groups of the Huleins and the Irnohs, cementing Jozunian dominance in the area. Jozunia would also begin to grow rich from its control in the Triangle Sea Trade. By 2011 CY, the trading capital of Cabiqoltun in the East would overtake the traditional capital of Twoqurauzin in importance, as the kingdom of Jozunia would enter an era of prosperity. Though it had carved a large sphere of influence for itself, Jozunia remained internally unstable and inconsistent. Under King Wizohos Binwinos in 2063 CY, Jozunia would establish a unified system of governance, dividing the kingdom into various incorporated provinces and unincorporated territories. In addition, a council of various important landowning nobles would be established to provide information and feedback to the king on law and governance. In 2102, Jozunia would once again become embroiled in a war with the Erayi, mostly concerning the lands of Jashaku. The Second Homeland War would last only 7 years, ending with Eran conceding control of the lands of the Jashaku to be tributaries of Jozunia. The inconclusive ending of the war with no territorial gain would irritate the nobility of Jozunia, and the army would be disappointed with a lack of new land to give to soldiers. Though king Kenohos Hegos was able to keep them placated, after his death in 2141 CY and the election of Spipohos Cauros, the Decades of Chaos would begin. The Decades of Chaos would see the tumultuous rule of 5 different kings within 23 years. It would end with the election of Dajohos Wauhos in 2164 CY. Wauhos would decentralize the Jozunian state significantly to please the nobility, with a significant reform being passed in 2189 CY. It would divide Jozunia among various Princes, who would be responsible for each area of the kingdom. This served to temporarily placate the nobility, but would eventually lead to the squabbling of the Princes and the downfall of the king, by 2213 CY, a lack of common agreement over who would succeed X would cause the princes to all split off from each other, leading to the end of the Kingdom of Jozunia.

Era of princedoms