In ancient North Yazland a Casunair was a Rausin form of inter-city government. A Casunair is similar to a league of cities unified under a common interest or leader. Casunairs vary in their centralization from one to another, but the basic commonalities include: an alliance based on mutual interest, some sort of figurehead (not always with executive power), and an agreement of mutual defense. Casunairs were common among the Rausin peoples, and would even spread beyond the Rausin to peoples such as the North Yasgans.
The exact historical origins of Casunairs are unknown. They likely came about as a way to mutually aid other cities in the event of plague, famine, or foreign raids. Eventually becoming widespread among the Rausin. The most well documented Casunairs are of the Zaupic Rausin, with what little records exist, the Zaupic Rausin seemed to have an extensive Casunair that stretched from Ziursun to Nalcaun, known after its existence as the Zaupic league.