Decades of Chaos

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The Decades of Chaos was a 23-year (2141 – 2164 CY) period of political instability within the Kingdom of Jozunia. The period is characterized by its political strife, assassinations, coups, fraudulent elections, and collapse of order with the political system. The decades of chaos would be caused by the disgruntlement of the military and nobility within Jozunia following the Second Homeland War. Though initially well placated after the war, following the death of king Kenohos Hegos in 2141 CY, the nobility would become uncooperative and the military unwilling to follow orders.


Spipohos Cauros

Following the death of Hegos, king Spipohos Cauros would be elected to the throne. Cauros was a populist figure, riding off the support of those in the army and their families. Cauros would promise that Jozunia would see new lands to be conquered, and proposed numerous wars against the Morei, Jashakus, and Kurozuns. This newly conquered land was planned to then be given to veterans yet to receive such land, or to those willing and able to cultivate it. Cauros would become controversial for this, the people of Cabiqoltun were unwilling to waste more lives in another pointless war, and the noble families not affiliated with the army grew concerned over Cauros’s ambitions. In 2144, Cauros would reorganize the army to be centralized almost entirely around the king, and working towards an invasion of the Morei. He would make his intentions clear to the nobility of the kingdom and planned to invade within the next 5 years. This further worried the non-military nobility, as the lands of the Morei were vast and well defended, and Cauros’s control of the army seemed to point towards a looming coup and purge of the nobility. Nobleman Misrowohos Sisos would begin to lead a plot against Cauros, planning to assassinate him or force him into exile. The plot would gather several members and became bloated, causing delays in the plan and problems with secrecy. Cauros would discover a section of the plotters and had them executed, but Sisos and his close circle managed to remain hidden from the eyes of Cauros. As Cauros’s 5 year deadline soon approached, Sisos and his circle made their move. They lured Cauros into a meeting and drew their smuggled swords on him, demanding he leave Jozunia forever. Cauros would resist, knocking one of the men down and stealing his sword, he would then proceed to injure 2 others before he was finally fatally cut. Following his assassination, Sisos and his gang would find and murder as many of Cauros’s supporters as they could before they began to flee the city. Following the fleeing of all of Cauros’s supporters, the nobility would then elect Wizohos Dajos as king.

Wizohos Dajos

The election of Wizohos Dajos would be controversial within the nobility, though war had been averted with the Morei, the assassination was largely frowned upon, especially by the general public. The army became incensed at the assassination of Cauros, and began to prepare for war. Dajos would raise his own local militias to stand against the advancing military. The military would elect general Tequgunohos Taujuros as king, and would lay siege to Cabiqoltun in 2152 CY. Wizohos Dajos would attempt to defend the city but his militia would be unable to hold against the organized forces of the army. Dajos would die in the siege, leading to the fall of Cabiqoltun in 2153 CY.

Tequgunohos Taujuros

Tequgunohos Taujuros would take over following the fall of Cabiqoltun, Taujuros would then resume the plans of Cauros, but would plan to invade the Kutozuns instead. Taujuros would begin to violently suppress all opposition, becoming a dictatorial ruler, executing or exiling all the opposing nobles. Taujuros would also begin a purge of all dissent within the army, killing those he saw as opposing his rule. By 2156 Cy he had full control over Cabiqoltun and its politics, and would leave for an expedition in the lands of the Kutozuns. He would arrive in 2157 CY, and would be killed in a small skirmish with Kutozun scouts, leaving the army to retreat back to Cabiqoltun, taking heavy losses along the way.

Sailkohos Ciprogartos