History of Huo

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The History of Huo is large and diverse, usually seen more as a collective history of various subregions, though much of Huo shares common connections. The majority of recorded history comes from Northern Huo and the regions it has influenced. Countries such as Chiöq and Wadiin have written records from as far back as -16 CY (507 GA), and have some of the earliest recorded civilizations in world history. X


Human migration

Humans first migrated to Dun circa X CY, having migrated from Nkungu through the X Islands. They then spread northwards throughout the continent, and eventually onto neighboring Jarruunh.

Prehistoric Northern Huo

In Northern Huo, the largest people group was the Pre-Dun peoples. These peoples stretched from Wadiin to Shibun and were dominant along the northern coast. Little is attested or known about these people apart from loanwords that would proliferate throughout various Dun languages. The Pre-Dun peoples were believed to be largely sedentary costal peoples, who would rely on fishing and farming for much of their needs. Near the year -780 CY, the Dun peoples are believed to have began to migrate from their homeland in Central Huo. They would quickly sweep over nearly all of Northern Huo, displacing or assimilating the Pre-Dun peoples, and rapidly expanding and settling in former Pre-Dun settlements. These migrations hold common importance across many pre-Kunwidya religions on Huo, including in Chiöq, where the migrations lead to the founding of the mythical Xiaar state that begins the first year of the Great Age calendar.

Bronze age


Medieval period

Industrial age

Modern day